Your Emotional Liberation Program 



This 3 months Emotional Liberation Program is designed to guide you through a profound journey of healing and inner transformation, helping you release emotional blockages that prevent you from fully living.

It is much more than just a program: it is a true immersion into a personal development process that will allow you to reconnect with your true essence.


I chose the name “Celestia” for this online transformation program because it embodies the idea of spiritual elevation and connection with higher energies. This name evokes pure light, celestial guidance, and deep transformation, guided by invisible yet powerful forces.

CELESTIA represents an invitation to align with your highest essence, through a path of inner growth and spiritual awakening, to reveal the brightest version of yourself.




“Emotions are the body’s reaction to the mind.” – Eckhart Tolle

Long-term results:

CELESTIA is designed to create deep, lasting change.

Throughout the program, you will cultivate emotional awareness, release old patterns, and rewire your mind to support a new, empowered way of being. By addressing the root causes of emotional blockages, you’ll experience not just temporary relief but real, sustainable transformation.

My goal is to work together to release the blockages that are holding you back in life, whether they stem from childhood, adulthood, generational trauma, or even past lives.

I focus on the emotional blockages, traumas, and deep-seated patterns unique to each person. Through appropriate methods, I shed light on the root causes of these blockages to help free you and activate your inner light.

I will also provide you with tools so that you can benefit from these releases and maintain your emotional well-being for the rest of your life. This program’s long-term benefits include overall improvements in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

It will also help you realign with who you truly are, your values, and your ideal vision of life while healing your inner child.

Together, we move forward toward the rebirth that awaits you 🦋✨


“Trauma is stored in the body, and it’s in the body that it must be healed.” —Peter Levine


Aline is a gift from heaven!
I was searching for answers and transformation, with a heavy heart, still carrying the weight of past experiences, and she came into my life at just the right time!
The connection was instant. Her pure, light, and benevolent energy immediately brought peace within me and made me feel at ease. (…) This experience left a deep mark on me and changed something within me for the better.
She freed me from the thoughts and emotions I used to carry, leaving me lighter and happier. (…)
I couldn’t be happier with the result.
She has a beautiful gift and uses it to heal the world 💚✨


I am a witness to the incredible effectiveness of this therapy!!!
It’s unbelievable. Through your listening and empathy, you offer exactly what suits each patient and create a sense of trust.
After so many years of struggle, I am experiencing a true transformation!



In more detail:

The importance of the holistic approach I offer lies in working with the whole person, considering every sphere of their being. By integrating these multiple aspects, the program becomes unique, powerful, and complete:

The emotional sphere (emotional release)
The energetic sphere (energy cleansing)
The mental sphere (personal development)
The physical sphere (exercises and movements)
The spiritual sphere (inner exploration)
The personal, family, and professional sphere

It’s important to understand that each sphere influences the other.

For example, emotional imbalance may manifest physically as chronic pain, and poor physical health can affect the mind and emotions.

Emotions are often stored in the body as tension or pain, and releasing these tensions can also release the associated emotions.

Working through the body allows access to memories and emotions that aren’t always accessible through talking alone.

Repressed emotions can lead to physical illness, and releasing these emotions can improve overall health.

The therapies I’ve carefully designed for this program focus on releasing stored emotions and deep blockages within the body. These practices recognize that our bodies hold unresolved trauma and emotions, and that working physically can foster a deeper and more complete transformation and self-healing.

This holistic approach not only helps heal existing issues but also prevents future imbalances.



In three months, we will work on:

– Trauma, deep blockages, and repressed emotions
– Healing your inner child
– Fears (often unconscious)
– Generational trauma
– Unconscious loyalties
– Emotional balance
– Transforming limiting beliefs
– Self-sabotage
– Letting go
– Anchoring positive emotions
– Guilt
– Confidence and self-esteem
– Strengthening self-love
– Integrating the practices


“Healing does not mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage no longer controls our lives.” — Akshay Dubey

After these three months, you will observe:

– Improved stress management and reduced anxiety
– Healing of your inner child and past traumas
– Healing of deep emotional wounds
– Release of beliefs that hinder your personal development
– Better sleep quality
– Elimination or significant reduction of compensatory behaviors (eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs, sex, compulsive shopping, gambling, etc.)
– Weight regulation (emotional weight)
– Improved mental clarity and easier decision-making
– Better balance between different areas of life
– Increased self-esteem
– Reduced muscle tension through relaxation techniques
– Reduction of chronic pain
– Improved physical health and strengthened immune system
– Increased resilience in the face of challenges and adversity
– Stimulation of the body’s and mind’s natural healing abilities
– A deeper awareness and understanding of yourself
– Awakening your inner light and expanding your consciousness
– A higher level of satisfaction and happiness
– A daily appreciation for gratitude
– Opening your heart


Session Results:

I have achieved incredible transformational results, and I invite you to read my clients’ testimonials and feedback.

I have helped many people worldwide, whether through individual or group sessions, navigate difficult times and find inner balance.

That’s why I carefully review each application, ensuring the genuine commitment of each person 💛

My objective is to foster the growth and evolution of each individual who chooses to embark on the transformative experience of the CÉLESTIA program.

This online program, a true odyssey of inner healing, offers you a precious experience, carefully structured to help you achieve complete and lasting transformation.

With this three-month liberation program, you will experience a profound, powerful, and transformative holistic journey, allowing you to reconnect with your true essence and fully thrive. You will finally be free to be the architect of your existence…


 Change begins with a clear intention and the willingness to engage in a process of transformation. – Marie Piers

🦋 Does this resonate with you, and are you ready for your inner transformation?

Contact me! I’ll send you the detailed program with all the necessary information, including:

🤓 The detailed online program

🧚‍♂️ The holistic approach I propose

🌀 The emotional release sessions offered

📅 The schedule

⏳ Why 3 months and all the information you need

🔥 Why this program is unique, complete, and powerful

🙍🏼‍♀️ My biography so you can get to know me better

🪶 My mission, my approach philosophy

🚀 The session results

🦋 My personal transformation

💬 Testimonials from people who have trusted me

🙋🏼‍♀️ Frequently asked questions

🌸 And EVERYTHING included in the program 🤍✨


For whom ?

-In a phase of questioning in your current life
-Feeling stuck, not knowing where to start
-Going through a difficult period in your life: situation/event, depression, addiction (food, alcohol, sex, video games/smartphone, compulsive shopping, drugs), burnout, trauma/post-traumatic stress, grief, separation, repetitive patterns,…
-Searching for your identity

This program is made for you if you are looking for :

-A profound transformation
-Inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual renewal
-Release from emotional traumas
-Emotional healing and personal growth
-A deep improvement in your mental and physical well-being
-Healing your inner child



After the session, I got into my car and stayed there for long minutes, crying. Not tears of sadness, but tears of release.
I feel much calmer now, freed from months and months of suffering. I’m finally letting go.
I didn’t know about this kind of treatment, but what a wonderful discovery.

I feel so much better today, I’m letting go, I’m becoming who I was before, I’m in acceptance of the unacceptable.

Everything seems so clear and smooth since this session.

Aline is extremely caring, attentive, and tailors the sessions based on our experiences and needs. Her voice is absolutely soothing.

Meeting Aline is a gift of destiny.


Aline is very professional and attentive, always searching deep within us to help as much as possible.
I contacted her for several issues (migraines, stress,…) even though at first, I was skeptical about doing it remotely (…).
When you have a session, it can open other doors and suddenly resolve a phobia without even trying (that was my case…).
The pains I had have disappeared with natural medicine, without resorting to the strong medications I used to take, which never gave me long-term results.

I feel great now, THANK YOU!


For the anxiety, it’s incredible because it was really affecting my health with strong pain in my stomach, back, neck, and legs that felt like they were giving out, my throat constantly tight, and a feeling of being trapped with no positive way out.
All of that has completely disappeared.
I sincerely thank you for your positive influence.
Have a wonderful day, Aline


I love the refined, gentle, and powerful approach that Aline conveys during her sessions.
Her various methods have always greatly supported me exactly where I needed it in my life.
I can only recommend her magic. ✨
Thank you, Aline, for all your kindness and support through our exchanges.
