PREMIUM Program



CÉRÉMONIA is the perfect synthesis of CÉLESTIA, the 3-month online program, and IMRAMA, the initiatory retreat, blending inner transformation and spiritual exploration 🌟

This unique program invites you to regenerate your mind, body, and soul through an immersive, nourishing, and deeply transformative experience.

From emotional release online to a restorative immersion in Bali, you will reconnect with your authentic self and explore the island’s magic, all within an environment conducive to personal growth.

It will be an incredible, transformative, rich, and fun experience! 🎉

This journey will undoubtedly help you deeply recharge, be reborn transformed, and ready to embrace a new version of Yourself 💛




I chose the name of this Premium program “CÉRÉMONIA” because it represents a sacred ceremony, an inner celebration where each participant becomes the host of their own transformation.

This name symbolizes a deep journey into the heart of oneself, a moment of intimate encounter with Your most authentic essence.

“Cérémonia” embodies a ritual of rebirth, where every step of the program is designed as an act of self-celebration, a tribute to the beauty of the personal transformation process.

The name suggests that each participant in this program is giving themselves a true gift: the gift of freeing themselves from old patterns and embracing a new version of Self.

It’s an invitation to enter a sacred space, to honor your emotions, thoughts, body, and spirit.

Cérémonia brings together the spiritual and practical aspects of holistic transformation, emphasizing the importance of a conscious and respectful approach to oneself.

With “Cérémonia”, I evoke the collective and universal dimension of transformation.

Each participant enters this ceremony with their own experiences, while sharing this journey with others, creating a powerful collective energy that amplifies the process.

🦋 Together, during the 3-month program and the retreat in Bali, we celebrate not only our own transformation, but also that of others, recognizing that the path to healing and fulfillment is an event worthy of being honored 🤍




What are the benefits of combining the CÉLESTIA online program with the IMRAMA retreat?

Combining the CÉLESTIA online program with the IMRAMA retreat offers numerous benefits, greatly amplifying the results achieved.

The 3-month online program provides proven emotional release techniques, ensuring a deep emotional cleansing. This preparation allows participants to free themselves from their blockages even before arriving at the retreat, maximizing the benefits of the on-site experience.

Thanks to this preparatory work, the IMRAMA retreat becomes a space to deepen and solidify these transformations, creating a powerful synergy between the two phases.

The combination of online sessions and the immersive retreat in a spiritually intense place like Ubud creates a unique, impactful, and transformative experience. By mentally and emotionally preparing participants, CÉLESTIA helps them fully receive all the benefits of the IMRAMA retreat, both personally and spiritually.

Moreover, interactions between participants before the retreat help create a close-knit community.

This connection fosters a harmonious and productive group dynamic from the start of the retreat, transforming the experience into a true vacation among friends. The feeling of belonging to a group with shared goals strengthens commitment and motivation, which are essential elements for a successful transformation.

Finally, the online program offers personalized exchanges and individualized follow-up before and after the retreat, allowing participants to define and refine their personal goals.

This increased clarity ensures a more focused and meaningful transformation during the retreat.

The combination of CÉLESTIA and IMRAMA is therefore infinitely powerful! 🙌💫🦋✨



CÉLESTIA, The 3-Month Online Program:

The 3-month online program, is designed to guide you on a profound journey of healing and inner transformation, helping you release the emotional blockages that prevent you from fully living.

This is much more than just a program: it’s a true immersion into a personal development process that will reconnect you with your true essence.

My goal is for us to work together to release the blockages hindering your life. I analyze and bring to light the source of your deepest blockages using appropriate methods to release them and activate your inner light.

I will provide you with the tools to benefit from these releases and maintain your emotional well-being.

IMRAMA, The 9-days transformative retreat :

IMRAMA was created as an initiatory sanctuary for conscious travelers seeking transformative well-being experiences, offering a perfectly designed setting for this unique retreat 🌟

It provides a rich and inspiring experience to nourish your body, mind, and soul while discovering the enchanting magic of Bali.

You are invited to gift yourself 9 days of transformation, movement, rejuvenation, well-being, and discovery on the wonderful island of Bali! 🌴

We are waiting for you to fully recharge in the heart of Bali’s lush beauty and vibrant culture.

During this immersion, you will participate in sessions specially designed to release and lighten your emotions (yoga, sound baths, breathwork sessions, meditation) as well as activities that will revitalize your body (massages – a must in Bali! – hikes, bike rides through the rice fields) and harmonize your spirit (authentic interactions with the locals), and so much more ✨

It will be an incredible, transformative, rich, and joyful experience! 🎉

This retreat will undoubtedly allow you to deeply recharge, be reborn transformed, and ready to embrace a new version of Yourself 💛

Long-term results:
My goal is for us to work together to release the blockages hindering your life, whether they stem from childhood, adulthood, generational trauma, or a past life.

I focus on each person’s blockages, emotions, and traumas. I analyze and bring to light the source of the deepest blockages through appropriate methods to release them and activate your inner light.

I will provide you with the tools to benefit from these releases and maintain your emotional well-being for the rest of your life.

Thanks to this program, the long-term benefits include an overall improvement in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

It will also allow you to realign with who you are, with your values, and your ideal vision of life, and reconcile with your inner child.

We will move together toward the rebirth that awaits you 🦋✨


“Healing does not mean that the damage never existed.

It means the damage no longer controls our lives.” – Akshay Dubey

In more detail:

The importance of the holistic approach lies in working on the person as a whole, considering the different spheres.

By integrating these multiple aspects, the program becomes unique, powerful, and complete:

– The emotional sphere (emotional release)
– The energetic sphere (energy cleansing)
– The mental sphere (personal development)
– The physical sphere (exercise and movement)
– The spiritual sphere (inner exploration)
– The personal, family, and professional spheres

It is essential to understand that each sphere influences the others. For example, an emotional imbalance can manifest physically as chronic pain, and poor physical health can affect the mind and emotions.

Emotions are often stored in the body as tension or pain. By releasing these tensions, we can also release the associated emotions.

Working through the body allows us to access memories and emotions that may not always be accessible through words alone.

Repressed emotions can cause physical illnesses. Releasing these emotions can therefore improve overall health.

The therapies I offer and have carefully designed for this program emphasize releasing stored emotions and deep blockages in the body.

These practices recognize that our body holds unresolved trauma and emotions, and that physical work can promote deeper, more complete transformation and self-healing.

This holistic approach not only helps heal existing issues but also prevents future imbalances.


“Emotions are the body’s reaction to the mind.” — Eckhart Tolle

Aline is a gift from heaven!
I was searching for answers and transformation, with a heavy heart, still carrying the weight of past experiences, and she came into my life at the perfect moment! The connection was immediate. Her pure, light, and benevolent energy instantly brought peace within me and made me feel at ease. (…)

This experience deeply touched me and changed something within me for the better.

She freed me from the thoughts and emotions I was used to carrying, leaving me lighter and happier. (…)
I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.

She has a beautiful gift and uses it to heal the world 💚✨


I love the refined, gentle, and powerful approach that Aline brings to her sessions.

Her various methods have always greatly supported me exactly where I needed it in my life.

I can only recommend her magic. ✨

Thank you, Aline, for all your kindness and support through our exchanges.


After the session, I sat in my car for a long time, crying. Not tears of sadness, but tears of release. I feel much calmer, freed from months and months of suffering. I am finally letting go. I hadn’t known about this therapy, but what a wonderful discovery. I feel so much better today; I am letting go, returning to who I was before, and embracing the unacceptable.

Everything seems so fluid and clear since the session.

Aline is extremely caring, attentive, and personalizes the treatments according to our experiences and needs. Her voice is of absolute softness.

Meeting Aline is a gift from destiny.


In 3 months and 9 days of retreat in Bali, we will work on:
– Traumas, deep blockages, and repressed emotions
– Healing your inner child
– Fears (often unconscious)
– Generational trauma
– Unconscious loyalties
– Emotional balance
– Transforming limiting beliefs
– Self-sabotage
– Letting go
– Anchoring positive emotions
– Guilt
– Confidence and self-esteem
– Strengthening self-love
– Integrating practices


“Trauma is stored in the body, and it is in the body that it must be healed.” — Peter Levine


After these 3 months and 9 days of retreat in Bali, you can expect to see:
– Improved stress management, reduced anxiety
– Healing of your inner child and past traumas
– Healing of deep wounds
– Release of beliefs hindering your personal growth
– Better sleep quality
– Elimination/reduction of compensations (food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex, compulsive shopping, gambling, etc.)
– Weight regulation (emotional weight)
– Improved mental clarity and greater ease in making decisions
– Better balance between different life spheres
– Higher self-esteem
– Reduced muscle tension through relaxation techniques
– Reduced chronic pain
– Improved physical health, strengthened immune system
– Increased resilience in the face of challenges and adversity
– Stimulation of the body’s natural healing abilities
– Development of greater self-awareness and understanding
– Awakening of your inner light and expansion of your consciousness
– A higher level of satisfaction and happiness
– Daily appreciation of gratitude
– Opening of the heart



Session results:

I achieve incredible transformation results, and I invite you to read the testimonials and feedback from my clients.

I have helped many people around the world, in both individual and group sessions, to navigate difficult times and regain inner balance.

This is why I carefully review all applications, ensuring the sincere commitment of each person 💛

My goal is to foster the growth and evolution of everyone who chooses to join the transformative experience of the CÉLESTIA program.

This online program, a true odyssey of inner healing, offers you a valuable experience, carefully structured to allow you to achieve complete and lasting transformation.

With this 3-month release program, you will experience a deep, powerful, and transformative holistic journey, enabling you to reconnect with your true essence and thrive fully.

You will finally be free to be the architect of your life…🦋💫

My emotional troubles have completely disappeared since our video call! (…)

I’m truly grateful for your support and the really positive results 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼



IMRAMA and its 9 days of transformation


What makes the IMRAMA retreat different from other retreats?
The immersive IMRAMA retreat stands out for its ability to combine deep personal transformation with powerful holistic sessions (such as sound baths, various types of breathwork, gentle yoga, ice baths, etc.), while placing particular emphasis on integration periods, which are essential for fully absorbing the transformations experienced. These integration moments, carefully spaced throughout the program, allow you to reconnect with yourself, process emotions, and anchor the insights gained into your daily life.

At the same time, the authentic immersion in Balinese culture enhances this holistic experience, creating a unique synergy between inner healing and cultural exploration.
Unlike other retreats that focus solely on physical or spiritual well-being, IMRAMA offers you a complete experience where every aspect of your being is nourished, promoting lasting transformation.


Why UBUD ?

Ubud, nestled in the heart of Bali, is a place rich in energy.

This town is renowned as the capital of spiritual healing, attracting truth seekers, healers, and souls seeking transformation from all over the world.
Its reputation is built on vibrant energy and a deep connection to Balinese nature and spirituality.
Bali is known for hosting a powerful energy vortex.
This energetic phenomenon, often described as a convergence point of ley lines, creates an atmosphere of healing and transformation.
Long-time visitors often testify to feeling lighter, experiencing heightened spiritual awakening, and gaining mental clarity after spending time in this region.
It is this energy vortex that makes Bali, and Ubud in particular, an ideal place for profound transformation.

Ubud is surrounded by terraced rice fields, lush forests, and sacred rivers, offering a natural setting that fosters inner peace and meditation.
The Balinese, with their rich culture steeped in spirituality and daily rituals, contribute to the unique energy of this place.
Their warm hospitality and dedication to healing create an environment where you immediately feel welcome.


🌴 Where do we stay?

We will spend the retreat in Ubud, the capital of spiritual healing, where the EARTH element will allow you to feel the deep and ancestral energy of Bali.

Located in the heart of an enchanting jungle setting, this exceptional place features two swimming pools, a sauna, and an ice bath. A true haven of peace, it invites serenity at every moment, fostering a deep reconnection with yourself.

For these 8 nights, you will be surrounded by lush green rice paddies and the abundant nature that embodies the very essence of Bali.

Each day, you will discover breathtaking landscapes, such as stunning waterfalls with crystal-clear waters, nestled in paradisiacal settings🤩

The slowed-down pace of life and this peaceful environment will encourage you to leave behind the stress and daily worries.


“Change begins with a clear intention and the willingness to engage in a process of transformation.” — Marie Piers

🦋 Does this resonate with you, and do you feel ready for an inner transformation?

In this PDF, you will discover, among other things:

💜 What makes this experience unique and authentic

🤓 The detailed online program

🧚‍♂️ The holistic approach I offer

🌀 The emotional release sessions offered during the online program

⏳ Why 3 months and all the information you need to know

📅 The schedule

🔥 Why this program is unique, complete, and powerful

🚀 The results of the sessions

🇮🇩 The local team dedicated to making your stay unforgettable

🌀 The emotional release sessions during the retreat

🥥 The activities on-site

📸 Some photos to give you a sneak peek of what awaits you 🤩

❤️‍🔥 Why the combination of the online program is infinitely powerful

🙍🏼‍♀️ My biography so you can get to know me better

🪶 My mission, my philosophy of guidance

🦋 My personal transformation journey

💬 Testimonials from people who have trusted me

🙋🏼‍♀️ Frequently asked questions

🌹 The rates for an individual or shared room

💎 Your preferential rate, and absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know for this retreat! 🤍✨

Aline, it was truly a magnificent ceremony…

It was extraordinary with both of you and all the women we were with…

Thank you so much for sharing your care, your passions, your gifts, and your infinite warmth and gentleness.

My heart is full of love ✨❤️

Thank you – Thank you – Thank you 🙏


The session was spectacular!!! For the first few minutes, it was as if I were floating…


The event of the ceremony was a super special experience. Aline and Antje created the most beautiful offering where I felt supported and nurtured throughout.

The experience was very beautiful, and I felt celestial blessings and magic around me.

These women are both true professionals and full of passion in their offerings.

I am grateful.

Sinead McGuire Transformation

Wonderful therapist! It was a unique experience! I highly recommend it! Thank you, Aline 🙏🏼


A life experience for beautiful souls.

A gentle call to the door of the soul, feeling it caress… gathering.

Thank you so much, Sisters 💗


It was a great pleasure to share such a magical and beautiful moment…

For me, it was a true experience; I had never lived or felt anything like it before…

A thousand thanks!! 🧡🤍💖♥️💛


For whom ?

-In a phase of questioning in your current life
-Feeling stuck, not knowing where to begin
– Going through a difficult time in your life: situation/event, depression, addiction (food, alcohol, sex, video games/smartphone, compulsive shopping, drugs), burnout, trauma/post-traumatic stress, grief, separation, repetitive patterns,…
-Searching for your identity
-Eager to explore Bali’s spirituality

This program is made for you if you are looking for:

– A deep transformation
– Inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual renewal
– Release of emotional traumas
– Emotional healing and personal growth
– Significant improvement in your mental and physical well-being
– Revitalizing vacation on mental, physical, and spiritual levels
– Reconnection with your divine inner power and true essence
– Authenticity, avoiding touristy spots
– Discovering Bali deeply without wasting time and energy planning your trip
– Connecting with like-minded souls, creating a soul family community, and experiencing joy, tears, and laughter by breaking barriers and becoming more of yourself